What is Proactive Pharmacy Claims Management?
In the member services industry being proactive instead of reactive makes an enormous impact. It makes a great difference in level of service of any industry but is especially important in health care. Health care services are detrimental to the livelihood of patients. MedalistRx is a proactive Pharmacy Benefit Manager.

Results Driven Pharmacy Claims Management
In 2017, MedalistRx began a new process of managing brand medications, we titled this program True out of Pocket Reporting. It was crucial that this program lowered both client and member prescription costs. The implementation process was seamless with minimal to no member disruption. Members utilizing brand medications were guided to manufacturer support programs which greatly reduced or completely eliminated their out of pocket cost. This process worked hand in hand with MedalistRx proactive Every Claim, Every Day approach to pharmacy claims management.

How to Save Money on Your Prescription Drugs
The high cost of prescription drugs in the United States leaves many patients searching for lesser-known savings opportunities such as manufacturer copay relief programs, aka copay card programs. Copay relief programs are offered by brand pharmaceutical manufacturers to help lower a patient out of pocket expense.

Getting Help From Your Pharmacy Benefit Manager
Using a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) to offer a robust pharmacy benefit program to your employees is something that should offer lower prescription drug costs, happier and more loyal employees, and help your company standout among competitors. What should you look for in a PBM to achieve these results and what is required from the PBM to meet your goals?

Independent Boutique PBMs: The Last Unbiased, Strategically Aligned Service Provider
There is a lot of talk about price transparency in the healthcare industry. Consumer advocates argue that transparency would enable consumers to choose healthcare products and services more appropriately for their needs. These same advocates have been frustrated with the lack of clarity in PBM pricing for over twenty years.